Lauren Collister

Research Engagement Manager

Lauren Collister's approach to open infrastructure is rooted in her disciplinary background in linguistics and her professional career development in academic libraries. After receiving her PhD in Linguistics for her research on multimodal communication, she worked for 10 years in scholarly communication and library publishing. She has experience leading a diamond open access publisher, developing policy for open access funding, advising on copyright and intellectual property, organizing and advocating around labor issues in librarianship, and managing communication with editorial teams, developers, policymakers, and institutional leadership. She remains deeply connected to the linguistics community through her work on open scholarship initiatives such as the Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management, the Linguistic Society of America's Statement on the Scholarly Merit and Evaluation of Open Scholarship in Linguistics, and the Tromsø Recommendations for Citation of Research Data in Linguistics.

You can find out more about Lauren's research and publications by visiting her ORCID profile, and connect with her on LinkedIn or Twitter. Lauren works from Pittsburgh, PA, USA, the ancestral land of the Adena culture, Hopewell culture, and Monongahela peoples, who were joined by refugees of other tribes (including the Delaware, Shawnee, and Haudenosaunee) who were driven from their homelands by colonizers.