Status: Ongoing


IOI, through the financial support of Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, is conducting a research project aimed at developing a comprehensive understanding of the current needs and dependencies in the research software ecosystem and uncovering future opportunities to advance its sustainability and resilience.

This landscape assessment will identify: 

  • Existing connections between different infrastructure services and initiatives, and where new connections can be built to advance sustainability and resilience of the ecosystem;
  • Areas in the ecosystem where there is overcrowding/excessive functional overlap, and where there are gaps, blockers, vulnerabilities, and/or critical dependencies that need addressing;
  • Indications of what helps infrastructure services and initiatives succeed in adding value to the research software community.

Read our research project announcement

Project Outputs


Blog Posts

Grant Proposal

  • Thaney, K., & Skinner, K. (2024). Grant proposal: Community infrastructure to further open research software: A landscape analysis of needs, dependencies, and opportunities. Zenodo.