This post is part of a series in which we share more about what we are working on and what we’re learning. Read our last update.
We’ll be iterating on this format in the next months. Have a question or comment about anything you see here? Get in touch! We would love to hear from you.
On to the update …
What we are working on:
- We shared our journey and lessons learnt from evolving our governance. In our latest blog post, we shared some of our readings and research into non-profit governance, our reflections and motivations for designing new governance structures and bodies, and what we have learnt on the way.
- As next steps in our governance roadmap, we are creating charters with our Steering Committee and Community Oversight Council to bring clarity to our respective responsibilities and ways of working.
- We welcomed (back) Saman Goudarzi to IOI! Saman is a recent graduate of the University of Toronto and worked with us previously on the Future of Open Scholarship report. She’ll be working with us as a part-time research analyst on several ongoing projects. We are looking forward to working with her again and onboarding more research analysts to support our research work in the future.
- With Saman’s help, we are looking at the literature defining infrastructure particularly in the context of open science and scholarly communication.
- We’re finalizing our initial draft of research on water utility funding models and costs frameworks as we explore the parallels between funding for water supply and open infrastructure. We look forward to releasing this research in a preliminary investigation report in the near future.
- We continue to work on our strategic roadmap following the conclusion of our strategy retreat. We look forward to having details to share publicly in the near future.
- We have a new Research Organization Registry (ROR) ID for IOI: 0588n4k65.

Who we are talking to:
- Joanna Lee, a business and technology attorney with a focus on open source software providers to exchange ideas about shared areas of interest in open source and governance.
- Andrew Brown, VP of Strategic Growth at CRF and Hope Water Africa discussing their experience with water supply and sanitation in Africa.
- Patrick Forscher, Research Lead at the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics, to discuss “Big Team” science Initiatives and education opportunities in open and reproducible science tools.
- Peter Suber, founder/manager of the Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) and co-developer of TagTeam social tagging software, to learn from their experience growing and maintaining OATP and TagTeam and to explore our ideas to develop an open infrastructure tracking project.
- Kristen Ratan, Stratos and ICOR, to discuss how to incentivize collaborative research models.
- Stephen Jacobs, Director of Open@RIT, to explore ideas for the Open Work in Academia summit and to exchange knowledge on some community and policy-mapping initiatives.
- The PubPub Community to learn more about their Community Services offerings.
- Research Libraries UK at their annual conference, where our Executive Director delivered a keynote titled “The Need for Open Infrastructure”.
- The Couperin Open Science Working Group at their regular convening, where our Engagement Lead shared some of our recent insights and work.
- The Council of Australian University Librarians as part of their annual member meeting, where our Executive Director joined leads from CSIRO Publishing, arXiv, and OA2020 to discuss transitions to open.
Upcoming events/talks:
We look forward to meeting you if you are attending the following event!
- Code for Science and Society Digital Infrastructure Incubator, March 31: Kaitlin, our Executive Director, and Richard, our Director of Research & Strategy, will deliver an interactive session: Landscape of Digital Infrastructure Funding.