Status: Active
Partners: Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative
Team members: Gail Steinhart, Karl Huang (COKI), Cameron Neylon (COKI), David Riordan


At Invest in Open Infrastructure, our work to increase investment in open infrastructure relies on a deep understanding of how infrastructure is funded, and by whom.

The Grant funding data dashboard provides a snapshot of the grant funding landscape of open infrastructure for research and scholarship. It currently builds on a dataset assembled in 2024 as part of IOI’s 2024 State of Open Infrastructure Report, which includes 514 awards made by 23 distinct funders to 36 open infrastructures, totaling US$415,845,753, and dating back to 2000. 

This dashboard can be a useful resource for stakeholders in the open infrastructure space — funders, adopters, open infrastructure services, and others — looking to:

  • Better understand the flow of grant funding for open infrastructure services, e.g. which funders are investing in which open infrastructures, the types of support,
  • Explore grant funding temporal trends and distribution across geographical regions, and
  • Identify gaps in grant funding and make more informed funding and investment decisions.

Note: We continue to work towards increasing the representation of provider funding in this dataset, but rely on publicly available grants information and existing metadata to conduct our analysis. This dashboard and dataset provide a high-level look at currently available data from the sites of selected funders. Our assumptions and methods, and their limitations, are explained in full in the documentation for the dataset available for download.


Data and methodology

The dashboard supports Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI)’s 2024 State of Open Infrastructure Report. Please see the report for notes on our methodology and definitions of terms and categories used here.

A snapshot of the 2024 data used to populate the dashboard is available for download, and includes detailed documentation:

This work was generously supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Arcadia Fund. 

We realize there’s a lot of information in the dashboard. The IOI team can help guide you through the best use of the dashboard! 

We are also experienced in providing tailored research and recommendations, including discovery, due diligence, and stakeholder feedback collection to support your open infrastructure decisions. Find out more about our strategic support services and connect with us today.


We’d be grateful for your feedback on this dashboard via the short survey below.