What we are working on:
- We’re preparing for our Funders Summit, October 31 - November 4. We’ve confirmed a list of speakers from 360Giving, GivingTuesday, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Wellcome Trust, Simons Foundation, and other stakeholders involved in the financing and resourcing of open infrastructure. We are also finalizing a programme that aims to facilitate the collective shaping of a funding mechanism. Please email contact [at] investinopen [dot] org for an invitation if you’d like to join us!
- We welcomed Naomi Penfold and Tim Elfenbein to our team! Naomi joins us as a full-time research data analyst - she will be working on building upon the preprint cause research that she has previously worked on. As a research affiliate, Tim will be exploring the importance of labour in developing and maintaining open infrastructure.
- As our team continues to grow, we’re developing a compensation philosophy and a holiday policy with the aim of providing additional guidance and clarity around deciding compensation choices and taking leave. We aim to share more soon!
- We organized our quarterly Collaborator Call on October 11, where our Executive Director Kaitlin Thaney shared our draft Funding Framework and our Director of Research & Strategy Richard Dunks gave an update on our recent research work.
- Our engagement lead Emmy Tsang delivered a talk titled “Why and How to Invest in Research Infrastructure?” as part of the Berlin University Alliance's Vivo Talks! Series, on October 13. Her slides are available at this link, and we look forward to sharing a recording when it’s available.

Who are we talking to:
- Elena Denaro and Tomomi Sasaki, GreaterThan, to work on planning the Cobudget exercise and hands-on session at our upcoming Funders Summit.
- Steinn Sigurdsson, Scientific Director for arXiv (and Professor of Astrophysics at Pennsylvania State University), to explore technical, governance, and ongoing support opportunities and strategies for the project.
What we are reading/exploring:
A list of highlights below — for a more comprehensive view, please check out the Open Infrastructure Tracking Project (now also on Twitter).
- Educopia's Cohort-Based Pilot of the FOREST Framework for Values-Driven Scholarly Communication, 11 October 2022.
- Barker et al's Introducing the FAIR Principles for research software, 14 October 2022.
- OA.Works joins Code for Science & Society, 18 October 2022.
- Digital Preservation Coalition's Competency Audit Toolkit, October 2022.
Upcoming events/talks:
We look forward to meeting you at the following events!
- Knowledge Rights 21's webinar Book Digitisation, Online Access and Lending: What Infrastructure is Needed for Success? 26 October 2022.
- 10 years of ORCID in the PID infrastructure, 27 October 2022.
- OSPO++ community call on the topic of Open Source Security, 3 November 2022.