This post is part of a series in which we share more about what we’re working on and what we’re learning. Read our last update.
Have a question or comment about anything you see here? Get in touch! We’d love to hear from you.
On to the update …
What we are working on:
- We published a report from our exploration into the financial health of nonprofits in research and scholarship. Using financial ratio analysis, we conducted a baseline assessment on the financial health of nonprofit organizations in the open scholarship and research ecosystem and explored general guidelines for decision makers to improve the financial health of organizations they fund – find out more in this blog post.
- We shared a summary and resources from our Funders Summit. Last month, we brought together 80 funders, budget holders, and other key stakeholders involved in the financing and resourcing of open infrastructure to discuss what to fund in open infrastructure for research and scholarship and how to fund it. Access slides, recordings, and other related resources from the Summit from this blog post.
- We are hiring a Business Development and Partnership Lead. This role will be instrumental to the next phase of IOI’s growth and development as we look to diversify our funding modes and streams, as well as grow uptake and investment of open infrastructure by institutions and funders globally. More details and application link on this page.
- Our Research Data Analyst Naomi Penfold participated in the Workshop on Recognizing Preprint Peer Review, where she gave a short talk on her preliminary investigation into preprint infrastructure and moderated a panel discussion on scaling up preprint services sustainably.

Who are we talking to:
- Omo Oaiya (WACREN) and Leslie Chan (University of Toronto at Scarborough), to explore building IOI’s engagement and outreach strategy in Africa and contributing to WACREN’s annual conference in March next year.
- Nate Hill, Metropolitan New York Library Council, to follow up on the recent Funders Summit and hear more about METRO’s latest developments.
- Ramin Zabih and Stephanie Orphan, arXiv, to explore opportunities to advance the preprint server’s funding support, partnerships, and upcoming technical roadmap.
- Joanna Ball, Directory of Open Access Journals, on their growth plans and insights into funding strategies for continued, diversified support.
- Zack Adell, graphic designer, to discuss expanding IOI’s visual brand.
- Laura Ación, MetaDocencia and University of Buenos Aires, to discuss opportunities to collaborate on the translation and localization of open infrastructure related resources and research.
What we are reading/exploring:
A list of highlights is below — for a more comprehensive view, please check out the Open Infrastructure Tracking Project (also on Twitter and now Mastodon).
- The Persuaders by Anand Giridharadas, 2022.
- Data Cartels by Sarah Lamdan (former Community Oversight Council co-chair), 2022.
- This podcast episode on Community Development Financial Institutions from members of the Appalachian Community Capital, 2021.
Upcoming events/talks:
We look forward to meeting you at the following events!
- Policies for a Better Internet: Securing Digital Rights for Libraries, 8 December 2022.
- OpenCon Librarian Community Call on "sticky schol comm topics," 13 December 2022.
- Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement's Community Call on "tech tools for supporting community management," 14 December 2022.