We launched the Open Infrastructure Fund to pilot and test a community-driven, participatory funding model to strengthen sustainability and resilience and increase the adoption of open infrastructure that underpins research and knowledge creation.

The Fund distributes a total of 130,000 USD across three funding areas: capacity building, community governance, and critical shared infrastructure. 60% of the funds are reserved for projects in Low- and Middle-Income Economies, and we have received close to 200 applications in our public call for proposals.

8 funded projects in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Europe

We funded 8 projects, from developing infrastructure and capacity for the responsible use of health data in Argentina, to modelling a collaborative review process for climate justice knowledge.  

197 applications from 51 countries

All Open Infrastructure Fund applications are publicly accessible and reviewed. To increase the accessibility of funds to LMIEs, applications were submitted and reviewed in both English and Spanish.

Piloting a participatory funding model

The Open Infrastructure Fund began with a participatory budgeting process at the IOI Funders Summit 2022, where participants allocated a pot of 130,000 USD to identify the three top funding priorities. To ensure that the Fund addresses community needs, we refined the scope and parameters of the Fund by running a public funding design survey and hosting conversations in Accra, Ghana and Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Get in touch

We are currently not soliciting proposals for the Open Infrastructure Fund. For more about the Fund, please contact engagement [at] investinopen [dot] org.

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