Today, we updated our privacy policy. This change affects everyone who uses our websites, engages with our services, and interacts with us online or offline.
Why this change?
People and their privacy, safety and rights are at the heart of IOI’s work. We have been thinking about our data practices– the kinds of data that we collect and store, and how we work with that data. As we scale our research, operation and engagement efforts, we want to ensure that our data processes and practices are robust and continue to serve our community and those we interact with.
We are working with ZwillGen to develop a roadmap to improve our data practices and processes. This policy update followed an audit of our existing data collection and processing practices. It will be followed by other activities such as creating a data subject request process and performing a legitimate interest analysis. We will continue to share updates here on our website as this work moves forward.
What should I do?
Please read our current privacy policy and note your rights under the policy. You can also find the previous version of our privacy policy at the Wayback Machine.
If you have any questions about the policy, please email us at data-request [at] investinopen [dot] org.
We will review this policy with our Steering Committee annually.