This post is part of a series in which we share more about what we are working on and what we’re learning. Read our last update.
We’ll be iterating on this format in the next months. Have a question or comment about anything you see here? Get in touch! We would love to hear from you.
On to the update …
What we are working on:
- We are finalizing our Strategic Roadmap for 2022. After comments and feedback from the Steering Committee, we plan to share this publicly for community input and feedback.
- Using TagTeam, an open-source, collaborative tagging platform, we are monitoring news and commentary related to open infrastructure. You can see and read what we have tagged in the Open Infrastructure Tracking Project. More documentation on how to join and contribute to this effort coming soon!
- We finalized the Charter for the Community Oversight Council (COC). We have created a HackMD page for documentation related to the COC, including the Charter, meeting summaries and more. The COC will be hosting a public call in May - stay tuned for more information, soon!
- We are developing a Conflict of Interest Declaration for our governance members and staff. This is a part of our effort to stay informed of and mitigate biases and conflicts of interest, and avoid self-dealing.
- We said goodbye to Asura Enhkbayar, who is continuing his graduate studies. Some of Asura's work for IOI can be found on our website. Most recently he researched and analyzed funding for water utility as a model for a similar framework in the domain of open infrastructure.

Who we are talking to:
- Luis Villa, Tidelift, to learn from his experience managing and maintaining open source projects.
- Flavio Azevedo, Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (FORRT), to learn about the development and management of the FORRT glossary and explore opportunities for collaboration.
- Micah Vandegrift, formerly of North Carolina State University, who is working with our Executive Director Kaitlin on an open textbook chapter on open infrastructure for library students.
- Code for Science and Society (CS&S) Digital Infrastructure Incubator Cohort, where our Executive Director Kaitlin and Director of Research & Strategy Richard shared our latest research into current funders and the costs of digital infrastructure. A summary and their slides are available at this link.
- ZwillGen law firm, to discuss the next steps in improving our data collection, management, and privacy practices.
What we are reading/exploring:
A list of highlights is below - for a more comprehensive view, please check out the Open Infrastructure Tracking Project!
- New York Times article on the Digital Market Act, March 2022.
- Felix Reda on ancillary copyright, March 2022.
- The results from ON-MERRIT’s investigation into the dynamics of cumulative advantage and threats to equity in open and responsible research.