This post is part of a series in which we share more about what we’re working on and what we’re learning. Read our last update.
Have a question or comment about anything you see here? Get in touch! We’d love to hear from you.
On to the update …
What we are working on:
- We presented our plans to assess the financial health of nonprofits in research and scholarship, using public financial information from 18 nonprofit orgs to test out our methodology. We’re hosting a community discussion on Aug 9, 12pm ET to gather your feedback and thoughts on this topic - please join us!
- We’re hiring a research data analyst with a background in either nonprofit management and analysis, or the scientific, scholarly, and information management spaces. Remote friendly! Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until August 15, 2022.
- Our Executive Director Kaitlin Thaney presented our work and plans at the UNESCO Open Science Infrastructures Working Group meeting. You can find a recap of the event and a link to her slides on our blog.
- We submitted our community’s response to the UNESCO Global Call for Best Practices in Open Science. Many thanks to the 10+ community members who joined our community workshop in June to contribute ideas, draft, and review this response.
- We welcome Matt Canute as an affiliate data engineer. Matt will work on designing and building more robust data architecture for the Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services (COIs).

Who we are talking to:
- Matt Day, Head of Open Research Policy & Partnerships at Cambridge University Press, about potential areas of support in identifying opportunities for more alignment and adoption of open infrastructure services to support their work.
- Joe Deville (Lancaster University; Mattering Press) and Rupert Gatti (Trinity College; Open Book Publishers) on the Open Book Collective, and forthcoming work around open infrastructures to support open book and monograph publishing.
What we are reading/exploring:
A list of highlights below — for a more comprehensive view, please check out the Open Infrastructure Tracking Project (now also on Twitter).
- Social cost: Why traditional startups struggle to disrupt the academic publishing industry by Gabe Stein, 8 July 2022.
- Green light for the [Italian] National Plan for Open Science by Sara Di Giorgio 21 June 2022.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Understanding and Embedding Design Justice in Design Processes, 13 July 2022.
- Gates Foundation Adds $20 Billion to Its Coffers, New York Times, 13 July 2022.
- Ex-Google chief’s venture aims to save neglected science software,, 13 July 2022.
Upcoming events/talks:
We look forward to meeting you at the following events!
- California Digital Library's Next Generation Library Publishing Project Pilot webinar, 21 July 2022
- Evolving landscape of STEM community manager roles - findings from the CSCCE community manager case studies, Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement, 20 July 2022.