This post is part of a series in which we share more about what we’re working on and what we’re learning. Read our last update.
Have a question or comment about anything you see here? Get in touch! We’d love to hear from you.
On to the update …
What we are working on:
- The Open Infrastructure Tracking Project (OITP) is now on Twitter! We aspire to build this newsfeed for commentary and developments related to open infrastructure with our community. Join our first OITP tagger onboarding call to find out more about how you can take part in this effort!
- We share some of our recent work into exploring our aspirations, role, and theory of change in our latest blog post- this is very much work in progress, we’d love your ideas, questions, and feedback.
- We have closed the interest survey for the Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services (COIs) - we would like to sincerely thank the 40+ services that responded. We look forward to working with the respondents, funders, budget holders, and other stakeholders to further understand the value proposition of COIs. More on this work soon!
- We are bringing together a founding circle of supporters who will provide us with the means and flexibility to fuel more research and pilots to build a robust ecosystem of open infrastructure for research. More on our website. Please contact giving [at] investinopen [dot] org if you are interested.
- We are continuing to evolve our governance. Our Steering Committee charter is now publicly available, and our Governance and Nominating Committee is planning out the next phase of this work to build effective, meaningful, and accountable governance.

Who we are talking to:
- Toby Steiner and Janneke Adema, Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM), to learn more about COPIM’s work and their ideas on how to foster further connections between open infrastructure services and funders.
- Joanna Lee, a partner at Gesmer Updegrove LLP and an expert on the open source software movement, to understand key lessons for open infrastructure providers and for us as an advocacy organization trying to drive more and better investment into the space while addressing key issues such as governance, operations, financing, and community engagement.
- Juan Mateos-Garcia, Director of Data Analytics at Nesta, about indicators to map the health of the open source ecosystem.
What we are reading/exploring:
A list of highlights below — for a more comprehensive view, please check out the Open Infrastructure Tracking Project (now also on Twitter).
- The Open Road: How to build a sustainable open infrastructure system by Demos, January 2022.
- Two Internet2/CNI Cloud Storage Briefing Papers, by Oren Sreebny, June 2022.
- Todd Carpenter's Let the Metadata Wars Begin, 22 June 2022.
- From SPARC: Elsevier's Acquisition of Interfolio: Risks and Responses, 29 June 2022.
Upcoming events/talks:
We look forward to meeting you at the following events!
- UNESCO working group on open science infrastructures meeting, 7 July 2022 - our executive director Kaitlin Thaney will be giving a short talk.
- Building Data Resilience Through Collaborative Networks, 11-13 July 2022. Hosted by the University of North Carolina and Educopia, US.