August 19, 2023 | Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Our Engagement Lead Emmy Tsang participated in the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) 2023 satellite "Inclusiveness through Openness", held at the Erasmus University, 18-19 August 2023. The satellite aimed to offer insights into the many ways that global equity and inclusion can be fostered in the new realm of open scholarly communication systems and open science practices, and the role of libraries in ensuring that the open paradigm is genuinely open to and supportive of marginalized communities and individuals in the current system.
At the event, Emmy presented preliminary, high-level findings from IOI's exploratory regional research in Latin America, Africa, and India. In this project, we interviewed 20+ infrastructure service providers, institutional librarians and research support staff, researchers, funders supporting research, technology and ICT infrastructure, and government actors and policymakers, to find out more about their organizations’ work, strengths and challenges, as well as their opinion on the challenges and risks facing the sector in their regions. She also outlined some recent efforts in incorporating what we've learnt into the programmes, tools, and recommendations we're building.
View a recording of her talk and her slides.