This post is part of a series in which we share more about what we’re working on and what we’re learning. Read our last update.
Have a question or comment about anything you see here? Get in touch! We’d love to hear from you.
On to the update …
What we are working on:
- We welcome Jerry Sellanga to the team! As our Communications Associate, Jerry will provide editorial, communications campaign management, and event coordination support to further our mission. See Jerry’s bio on this page.
- Our research data analyst Tania Hernández Ortiz is at the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) annual conference. She’s recently been awarded the ARNOVA Emerging Scholars Fund, and will be presenting a poster on her exploration of nonprofit financial ratios to assess the financial health of an emerging field.
- We participated in the International funders workshop on the Future of Research Software, to follow up on some of our conversations from our Funders Summit and explore further the synergies between open infrastructure and research software. We also co-hosted a welcome reception with the Netherlands eScience Center to kickstart conversations and foster connections. We thank the workshop organizers for putting together a diverse group of participants and the rich programme.
- We are reflecting on our Funders Summit and planning out the next steps including sharing some of the artefacts and key lessons, and building future conversations based on discussions and ideas at the Summit. More in the coming weeks!

Who are we talking to:
- Bilal Mateen and Hannah Hope, Wellcome Trust, to follow up on the Funders Summit and strategies to support research infrastructure.
- Ross Mounce and Simon Chaplin, Arcadia Fund, on our coming year’s objectives and aims.
- Catriona MacCallum, Hindawi, on their ongoing work to further open science initiatives and intersections with Wiley’s Partner Solutions division.
- Louise Marston, Resolution Foundation, on their social investment work to serve communities through action-oriented research and targeted funding.
- Mike Nolan, Open@RIT, to explore opportunities for collaboration in implementing open-source software technology.
- Katie Mika, Harvard University, to investigate using the Harvard Dataverse instance to host IOI’s research data.
- Hannah Wang, Educopia, to exchange ideas on opportunities and challenges in digital preservation and its funding.
What we are reading/exploring:
A list of highlights below — for a more comprehensive view, please check out the Open Infrastructure Tracking Project (now also on Twitter).
- Center for Effective Philanthropy's Giving Big: The Impact of Large, Unrestricted Gifts on Nonprofits-- Results from Year One of a Three-Year Study of MacKenzie Scott’s Giving, November 2022.
- Bianca Kramer + Hans de Jonge's The availability and completeness of open funder metadata: Case study for publications funded by the Dutch Research Council, Quantitative Science Studies, November 2022.
Upcoming events/talks:
We look forward to meeting you at the following events!
- Global equity in open access publishing, 21-22 November 2022.
- Recognizing Preprint Peer Review, 1-2 December 2022: our research data analyst Naomi Penfold will be attending in person.
- Publishing Grey Literature in the Digital Century, 5 December 2022.